Match Report

today's match is sponsored by AdvancedClean

Match Report

Match Report
There is a slight drizzle in the air here at Estádio Algarve where Farense play host to AD Ovarense. Its a sell-out today with the 21,000 capacity stadium completely full.
Both Farense and AD Ovarense are lined up in a 4-3-3 formation.

The first half starts with AD Ovarense kicking off!
Santiago Lujan controls the ball well before passing to his team mate, Illya Myshchenko. Illya Myshchenko surges forward with the ball. Illya Myshchenko goes all the way! Illya Myshchenko shoots from just inside the box. The ball flies into the top corner - goal!!
Cesar Mendes knocks the ball forward to Sieb Bos. Sieb Bos plays a perfect one-two with Vitor Pinto and rushes in on goal... Sieb Bos shows great control and tries a shot on goal. Gunnar Örn Bergvinsson is helpless! The ball slams into the back of the net - goal!!
Frank Hendrie makes a probing pass to Samuel Nkono. Samuel Nkono shoots from long range. Samuel Nkono scores for Farense!!
Frank Hendrie passes the ball forward to Samuel Nkono. Samuel Nkono shoots from long range but somehow Paulo Ribeiro manages to keep it out.
Diogo Campos threads the ball through to Vitor Pinto. Vitor Pinto knocks in a cross ball but it is headed clear by Santiago Lujan.
Norman Sanchez knocks the ball to his team mate, Gert Van Der Elst. Gert Van Der Elst advances with the ball. Gert Van Der Elst goes all the way! Gert Van Der Elst tries a spectacular strike. The ball comes in low, but Paulo Ribeiro easily smothers it!
Cesar Mendes kicks a strong pass forward to Sieb Bos. Sieb Bos goes all the way! Sieb Bos tries a spectacular strike but it is tipped over by Gunnar Örn Bergvinsson.
Mateo Zúñiga threads the ball through to Frank Hendrie. Frank Hendrie threads the ball through to Samuel Nkono. Samuel Nkono tries a spectacular long range effort but it goes wide for a goal kick.
Illya Myshchenko sees space and advances. Illya Myshchenko plays a perfect one-two with Cristi Baicu and rushes in on goal... Illya Myshchenko takes a shot at goal but it is miles over!
Frank Hendrie clumsily knocks into Diogo Campos. Frank Hendrie is given a warning by the referee! Diogo Campos hobbles a bit, but should be okay.
Illya Myshchenko surges forward with the ball. Illya Myshchenko whips in a cross ball towards Cristi Baicu. Cristi Baicu is perfectly placed and heads the ball at goal. Paulo Ribeiro manages to gather it comfortably.
Illya Myshchenko threads the ball through to Samuel Nkono. Samuel Nkono plays a perfect one-two with Alec Ferguson and rushes in on goal... Samuel Nkono tries a spectacular strike but Paulo Ribeiro is on top of it.
Diogo Campos deftly passes the ball to his team mate, Sieb Bos. Sieb Bos controls the ball perfectly and tries a long range shot on goal but connects badly, narrowly missing the linesman!
The whistle blows and the first half comes to an end!

Farense kick off and get the second half underway!
Diogo Campos hacks Frank Hendrie from behind! Diogo Campos is warned by the referee! Frank Hendrie grimaces as he struggles to run off the knock.
Frank Hendrie chips the ball to his team mate, Samuel Nkono. Samuel Nkono shoots from outside the area but he skews it badly. The ball flies well over the bar!
Illya Myshchenko makes a beautiful pass to the feet of Alec Ferguson. Alec Ferguson knocks in a poor cross ball which is cleared easily by Daniel Barros.
Illya Myshchenko deftly passes the ball to his team mate, Alec Ferguson. Alec Ferguson makes a probing pass to Cristi Baicu but he's offside!
Cesar Mendes surges forward with the ball. Cesar Mendes threads the ball through to Vitor Pinto but he's offside!
Vitor Monteiro brings the ball forward. Vitor Monteiro lofts in a cross ball towards Vitor Pinto. Vitor Pinto powers a header at goal but he skews it badly. The ball flies well over the bar!
Santiago Lujan makes a probing pass to Gert Van Der Elst. Gert Van Der Elst knocks the ball forward to Alec Ferguson. Alec Ferguson plays a perfect one-two with Cristi Baicu and rushes in on goal... Alec Ferguson shows great control and tries a shot on goal. It curls slightly but Paulo Ribeiro manages to gather it comfortably.
Cesar Mendes makes a beautiful pass to the feet of Sieb Bos. Sieb Bos knocks in a cross ball which is cleared by the defence.
Bruno Fonseca kicks a strong pass forward to Diogo Campos. Diogo Campos chips the ball to his team mate, Sieb Bos. Sieb Bos knocks in a cross ball towards Vitor Pinto. Vitor Pinto is unmarked! He powers a header at goal but connects badly and the ball goes wide!
Frank Hendrie knocks the ball to his team mate, Alec Ferguson. Alec Ferguson goes all the way! Alec Ferguson takes a shot at goal. Magnificent save by Paulo Ribeiro!
Ian Varela makes a beautiful pass to the feet of Illya Myshchenko. Illya Myshchenko chips the ball to his team mate, Samuel Nkono. Samuel Nkono finds some space and shoots from distance but it goes wide for a goal kick.
Frank Hendrie makes a simple pass to Cristi Baicu. Cristi Baicu threads the ball through to Samuel Nkono. Samuel Nkono makes some space for himself and shoots at goal but Paulo Ribeiro is on top of it.
Gert Van Der Elst makes a beautiful pass to the feet of Cristi Baicu. Cristi Baicu makes a simple pass to Samuel Nkono. Samuel Nkono shows great control and tries a shot on goal. It's there!! Paulo Ribeiro has to pick the ball from the back of the net!
Full-time is reached with the referee blowing his whistle!

The man of the match was awarded to Illya Myshchenko of Farense

Match Statistics

Match Statistics
Goals: 3 vs 1
Shots on Target
Shots on Target: 10 vs 2
Shots off Target
Shots off Target: 4 vs 3
Offsides: 2 vs 1
Fouls: 1 vs 1
Yellow Cards
Yellow Cards: 0 vs 0
Red Cards
Red Cards: 0 vs 0

Possession: 59.5744680851064 vs 40.4255319148936
Play Area
Home team third: 22.34%, Midfield: 46.81%, Away team third: 30.85%